APSN Tanglin SG50 Digital Story Montage

Endorsement – Pam Skyes
October 20, 2015
Awakening the Sleeping Giants of the Church
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APSN Tanglin SG50 Digital Story Montage


Storyteller: APSN Tanglin School
Date: 09 Dec 2015
Categories: Advocacy Educators/Youth Singapore My Home


A well crafted story has the power to evoke emotions and empathy. Individual stories, however, do not always explain the wider context of the story. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie warns that if we hear only a single story about a person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

The 50 one-minute stories created in celebration of Singapore’s 50th birthday give voice to the Persons with Special Needs community. These stories come from persons with special needs, their families, caregivers, alumni, caregivers, teachers and volunteers.

How is your community or organisation telling your stories? Could Collective Stories be a quick and cost effective way to present the needs and challenges that your organisation is addressing for your social media platforms?

Here are three stories to whet your appetite on how collective stories can break the stereo types we sometimes embrace about certain people groups.

Tyros is proud to support the Persons with Special Needs community by training APSN educators in storytelling and through the creation of these 50 stories. The individual stories can be watched at TyrosSG@Facebook.

#YourStoryCoach #TyrosSG #DigitalStorytelling #DSNonGeekMarketplaceProfessionals #SG50

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