Storyteller: Serene Annabelle Mai
Date: 19 Jun 2018
Categories: Advocacy Corporate Health/Active Aging Personal/Family
Why Me? by Serene Mai
Manager, Corporate Communications and Branding
NTUC Health Co-operative Limited
Serene is a Lupus survivor. She volunteers with the Lupus Association of Singapore to bring hope to other Lupus patients. Her story is raw, honest, courageous. When we feel our own stories and are willing to risk sharing what’s precious to us, we open doors to enter each others’ lives. That really is the point of storytelling is it not?
I love the way Serene scripted her story. There’s a rhythm in her writing… like a poem. I also love the way she took her story a full circle… Observe how she starts and ends her story. They are like bookends holding the story together. Well done Serene! – Angeline Koh, Story Coach
Serene writes:
Thanks for teaching us the tips and tricks to creating our own video!
I shared what we learnt with our colleagues today. Your course is very different from others that I attended – it’s easy to understand yet has so much substance, allowing us to think deeper about how to apply it at work, without having to use complicated tools.
#YourStoryCoach #TyrosSG #DigitalStorytelling #DSNonGeekMarketplaceProfessionals